
Current situation on Żar mountain – information for foreigners

There was a lot of rumours lately, about takeoffs located at top of Żar Mountain – one of most important & valuable paragliding site in Poland. To clarify all ambiguities we decided to prepare short explanation about key points of this case.

  • ATZ Zone and glider airfield in Międzybrodzie Żywieckie – Due to security reasons and to maintain good relationship with airfield crew every pilot, or group of pilots have to attend individual briefing with Wojciech Kos, airfield dispatcher and CEO of aero-club which operates there. To meet with Mr Kos you should go to hangars and runway neighbourhood located at Lotnicza Street in Międzybrodzie Żywieckie, where He usually works during flyable days. if He is unavailable there you can call him at his mobile number +48 691-555-511
  • Landing at southern part of mountain – Please be aware that landing paraglider on airfield runway is strictly prohibited. The only place allowed to land, which not collide with traffic circuit lies between Górska street (with aero-club hotel) on one side and first right turn of Górska street, just above hangars on other side. If you accidentally or due to some critical situation land on runway, please escape from there ASAP!
  • Takeoffs fees – We inform that at this moment, neither „Albatros” paragliding school nor any other unauthorized person won’t charge any fees for using any of three takeoff available there (S, W and N). As evidence we attach last „Albatros” statement in next point. Please read also last one about N takeoff. So in brief: flying for solo and non-commercial tandems are 100% free.
  • „Albatros” paragliding school statement about takeoffs fees from August 29th 2017:We kindly inform that west and south takeoff, which are rented by „Albatros” paragliding school is completely free of charge for Polish Paragliding Association members, Beskidian Paragliding Association members and any other free-flying pilots and tandem pilots which fly their flight non commercially. For commercial tandem pilots takeoff fee was declared in price list attached to regulations available for view and read in „Albatros” school office located on top of Żar mountain. Money from these fees are used in takeoff maintain works, rent fees etc.”
  • North takeoff – Polish Paragliding Association rents northern takeoff at Żar mountain from Polish Energetic Group (which own pumped storage power plant at Żar) and won’t charge any fees from any pilots: Solo, uncommercial tandem, commercial tandem etc.

If You have any further questions about Żar Moutain please contact Mateusz Lubecki at +48 660 43 44 46 or email; sp8ebc@interia.pl

Relacja z Bartoszyc

W dniach 6 i 7 maja na terenie Dworku Dębówko w Bartoszycach odbyła się pierwsza edycja sezonu 2017 drugiego Motoparalotniowego Pucharu Polski i piątej Polskiej Ligi Motoparalotniowej.

Zawody pod względem prognoz meteorologicznych w Polsce miały szczęście, bo w większości kraju dominowały ulewy i silny wiatr, natomiast północny wschód był na ten czas wolny od niesprzyjającej pogody. Oba dni zostały w pełni wykorzystane i rozegraliśmy wszystkie planowane konkurencje. Czytaj dalej

Ciuchy PSP

Dzięki współpracy z TryFly.pl i Kuba Sto udało nam się stworzyć dla Was ciuchy z logiem i motywem naszego stowarzyszenia. Zapraszamy do ich zakupu 

Jarek specjalnie dla członków PSP udostępnił cenę specjalną! Każdy z Was otrzymał kalendarz na którym umieszczony jest kod rabatowy na pierwszej stronie. Kod ten upoważnia do otrzymania zniżki i ceny specjalnej na zakup speedarma i/lub tshirtu psp.  Do speedarma możliwa jest w opcji kieszonka na radio – bardzo polecamy, jest mega wygodna. 

  • email: psp@psp.org.pl

    Polskie Stowarzyszenie Paralotniowe
    ul. Nad Wisłą 4A, 04-987 Warszawa

    NIP 527 251 23 14
    REGON 140534339
    KRS 0000236118